This page  includes important steps that Amy would like you to start working on as part of your treatment plan at Morrison Clinic.  Please print this check list and bring it to each appointment so that we can track your progress in completing these steps.  

[  ] Download and print this page and check the boxes as you complete each task.   This list is arranged so that the easiest tasks to complete are first.    The first few tasks just take a few minutes to complete when you are online and able to access our website

Print Checklist

HELP US HELP YOU.   We want to make sure that we keep you up to date and help you build awareness about your emotional health.  Utilizing technology by accessing our website, using apps, and linking to Morrison Clinic social media is one of the easiest ways to achieve that goal.

[  ] Step 1: Review Morrison Clinic FAQ page on the website




[  ]  Step 2: Stay Informed

Like and follow our facebook page.  We use our facebook page to update our clients in between appointments. These  weekly updates include: new medication coupons, therapy and community resources that would benefit you or your family, free counseling opportunities in the community, medication recalls or alerts, helpful articles about emotional health, inclement weather clinic closure, etc.)

*Click on this link: Morrison Clinic Facebook Page

*Click the like button and then click the follow tab and check see first.

(If you do not want your Facebook friends to see that you liked Morrison Clinic then Click Timeline, Click More, Click Likes, Click Manage (the pencil icon on the right), Select Edit the Privacy of Your Likes from the menu, Click the triangle next to the head and shoulders icon and select other.  Change the level of privacy to Only Me. Click close.  )

[  ] Step 3: Login to Online Billing Portal  

You should check your statements and download your receipts after 9:30 am the morning of  your medical appointment and again after you receive your insurance explanation of benefits.  It is important for you to stay up to date on your account credits or charges.

Online Billing Portal

[  ]   Step 4 Organize your resources

Make it easy to learn more about your particular disorder and educate yourself on emotional wellness.

A great place to start and stay organized is to use Pinterest and the resources Morrison Clinic has gathered on our Pinterest page.   Follow our Pinterest page so that you stay up to date on new additions and can easily find our resources.

*Click on this link: Morrison Clinic Pinterest Page.

*Create an account if you do not have one already.  It is free and easy.

*Click the red follow button.

*Create a board titled Emotional Health and Wellness.  Make the board private if you do not want your followers to see it.

*Add this pin to your board

This link will take you to a page on our website with several helpful resources including articles, books, and online resources.

*Over the next few days and weeks browse the resources Amy has accumulated and create your own boards so that you can stay organized and easily have the tools you need when you need them!

[  ]  Step 5 cultivate a coping skill that will not only help you in times of stress, but will also be the first step towards developing healthier thoughts.

Download a voice guided meditation app and start to cultivate the skill of mindfulness meditation.  My favorite is  Meditation Studio    This app offers short meditations that use techniques like deep breathing, visualization, and flexible thinking to help you curb your negative thought patterns. I recommend meditating for at least 10-15 minutes a day. If you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, I recommend you do it at bedtime. In order to make it part of your daily routine, set a nightly alarm 10 min before you go to bed. Title the alarm, MEDITATION.

[  ]  Step 6 Invest your time and money into becoming emotionally healthy.

Schedule therapy as recommended by Amy.  She typically prefers for you to have therapy scheduled no later than your 3rd appointment at Morrison Clinic.

[  ]  Step 7 Make sure Amy has your latest physical exam and bloodwork AND learn about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

*Go to the lifestyle changes page and general health header for the information on the recommended annual physical exams and blood work that you need to have faxed to the office.

*Take time to read this page and follow the links or even better add to your Pinterest board so that it is easy to reference and  stay organized.